
1. Was site successful compared to original plans?

I think website completeness is similar my original plan. I wanted to my website has media rich so I put in video, images and many information, slide images,download file, music, logo, favicon ect. and I want to all people can use my website so I didn’t use red and green colour for colour blindness and made responsive web for mobile visitors. It can change follow visitor’s device.


PC mode.


Mobile mode

but interesting elements are not complete original plan. At first, I designed using parallax scrolling intro so visitors can interested in my site but I didn’t have much time so I couldn’t do this work. 

2. Was site fit for purpose?

I think my site was fit for purpose because original purpose was providing Harry potter filming locations for London visitors. so I put in about food and stay and transport information for visitors.


and provide Harry potter filming locations with image slide and description.


One leave to be desired is I can’t command of other countries’s language.

3. Was site has technical issues?

When the finished the site and uploaded in web, I had little problem with shape in Firefox so I changed paragraph shape.

4. Site design

First I designed my website vary simple and less information. because I thought visitors are maybe not use English so simple and easy style is best for visitors. but I changed my mind. Visitors want detail information each places and other things so I put more information.

My first website design concept was blue and geometric and texture and I wanted to make my website vary simple and modern. because existing website were not clear and too many decorations so slow ans hard to read. so I made my website background just white and using line express geometric mood and link buttons are all blue colour.

드래그색 blue colour블룩컬러 지오메트릭   geometric mood

5. How did I work with my team?

It was good because we just sharing each photographs. We helped each other so who has less data, give data.


I’m designer so it’s hard work for me. It had to too many knowledge about coding but I didn’t know about it. so I searched and searched and searched in Google. and testing site and fixing. In programmer view, vary simple problem was not simple for me so I spent time a lot. but through this experience, I want to more learn about coding. It’s hard work but challenge work for me.



Uploading is vary important thing for website. I upload site in ‘http://everettajscott.com/2014_mirim_kylie’ using FileZila.


When first time, It does not working because of too many student connect same ftp, but later I can connect. It’s quite easy. Just drag your file in this program.




1) How does my finished TV title sequence compare with my original intentions?

General mood is quite similar. At the first time I want to put more crime mood real video but I felt something difficult and I thought just use graphic source in video is better for dramatic feel so I remove video part and made all sources in the graphic. and I want to show more information about TV show, but I can’t so I feel sad.

2) Is my TV title sequence fit for purpose?

My TV title sequence some things are fit for purpose but some things are not fit. I think some audience want to see Sherlock’s nice and gentle face or want to see Martin Freeman but my motion graphic has only graphics and Moriarty’s feeling is strong. but I think, audience and feel different Sherlock’s mood.

3) What techniques am i particularly proud of and why?

First, I’m pleased light effect. It’s my room’s light and for this effect, I control that. It quite  difficult work because I have to control light and moving camera and before everything, my eyes are too sick because of twinkle light but result is good I think.

Second, I like mask effect. I want to graphic come up like drawing so I use mask effect. It’s one of favorite tools in after effects because It can show a lot of things.

4) In which ways was my tv title sequence influenced by the work of other designers?

I am influenced by Sherlock season 3’s ending and Moriarty. In the ending of season 3, Moriarty said “Did you miss me?” in the screen. It report crime’s king’s come back. and when the class, teacher showed us Se7en’s opening title sequence and I thought that is really good. so I want to show that mood in opening title.

5) How do i think my finished work for this brief compares with similar work i have done in the past?

I made video in after effects before but I think i can’t compares these works. Because even if similar work, each project’s have different purpose and techniques but in the objective view, resources is less than other works. Other projects have more various resources for example using 3D Maya and Photoshop and illustlation ect. In this work, I have to express many things using limited sources. so It’s sad thing but this video is new challenge for me because I use new tech in this work so I had to learn about that and It was vary interesting time for me.

6) In what ways could i improve my tv title sequence in future.

I want to make background source more high quality. It’s quite big source but I think more high quality image is better. and stretch the time so I want to put in more information about Sherlock. and I want to make more resources. for example, I want make skull resource in 3D Maya. This will be great because if I make sources in 3D, I can move camera more variously – I can pass between each skull so It’s more dramatic and fun. and this time, I found and used free copyright music but If I have chance, I want to make music by myself. I don’t have talent of this but it’s quite interesting time.

Finally I want to say about this. This project was really interesting and great work for me because I can try many things. I learned about new tech for this and think about differently and most of all I can prepare each steps. I felt prepare video steps are vary important for result. Thank you for I can realize these things. You were vary good teacher! 🙂


Testing and feature


A favicon (short for Favorite icon), also known as a shortcut icon, Web site icon, tab icon or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons.
Browsers that provide favicon support typically display a page’s favicon in the browser’s address bar  and next to the page’s name in a list of bookmarks.

Favicon has to be changed .ico file. so I used this program. This program change PNG file to ICO file.


Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 10.14.39

Slide images

Slide images can use space very useful because separate images are need too many spaces. This image slides are can move arrow key in keyboard and click the arrow image in picture, even if can move mouse drag.

Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 10.24.17 Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 10.39.20


For visitors, website provide letter form. It can down load and this is for visitors when they write letter to Harry potter characters.로ㅗ

Testing and feature