
This is my presentation about my web plan.

PPT : Kimhyein_01


Script : script

Good afternoon everyone. I’m director Hyein Kim and thank you for coming listen to my presentation.

Today, I’m going to brief you my website planning.

I want to make website about Harry Potter.

This film is very popular in world so I think people are very interest about it. ( and Me, either. Aren’t you? 🙂 )

So, Before I talking about my website concept, Let me show you about my hall schedule.

Schedule separated 3 parts.

First week, I have a meeting of team and discus about website concept. This week for prepare about work.

Second week start regular works and

Last week is for developing and does final works.

So result of discuss This is my targets.

My target audience is young London visitors (17~25) from another country or another cities.

Why I choose these targets? Because I Similar with them. I’m 18 years old and for the first time visit London so I understand well them. and young people want to some event more than elder people so I choose them.

And purpose is to introduce about London’s famous locations that filming harry potter.

Even if harry potter’s fan, they don’t visit London only for harry potter. They want to see about hall about London.

My site will give for visitors London’s famous places that filming harry potter.

Here is places that I will visit.

Maybe when you visit hall about this, It will be take 2 days but if you want look around slowly, it can take 3 days. I think it’s fit about tourist.


So here is my concept.

I want to make special memory for visitors.

When I think from a position of fan, I want to follow and connect to film’s characters so finally I decide my concept is ‘connect’!

Connect to film’s characters! It’s very romantic and interesting, isn’t it?

So, How to connect film’s characters?

I decide using letter and post box.

Letter can connect everyone and everywhere even if you can keep in touch with unknown person.

and I make up my mine. I want to giving a event for my website visitors.

Visitors can visit harry potter’s filming locations and get some stamp for send letter to harry potter’s characters.

Now I want to talking about design.

This is site map. As you can see, It has very simple composition because My targets may be un English people.

Site has to be easy and simple it’s same about layout.

Here is mood board.

Mood board’s categories is texture and geometric and black & white.

Black & white means with out magic and geometric lines mean their traces and through texture can feel harry potter’s mood.

Finally website colour will be consist of blue and black & white.

Because when harry potter do the magic, usually magic’s colour is blue!

And black and white is clear to read even if colour blindness.

So It’s all about my website planning.

Thank you for listening to my presentation and I hope you enjoy this time.


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