

What is feature of wire frame?

  1. Wireframes are an important design tool used in Web development.
  2. Wireframe can easily explain how users will interact with the Web site.
  3. The purpose is usually being informed by a creative idea.
  4. The wireframe depicts the page layout and arrangement of the website’s content and how they work together.
  5. Wireframes are created for the purpose of arranging elements to best accomplish a particular purpose.

Why wire frame is important?

  1. Displays site architecture visually
  2. Allows for clarification of web site features
  3. Pushes usability to the forefront
  4. Identifies ease of updates
  5. Helps make the design process iterative.
  6. Saves time on the entire project
  7. Experience shows it works

What include wire frame?

  1. Key page elements and their location, such as header, footer, navigation, content objects, branding elements.
  2. Grouping of elements, such as side bars, navigation bars, content areas.
  3. Labeling, page title, navigation links, headings to content objects.
  4. Place holders, content text and images.

This is my website wire frames.


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