Finance – Funding sources, income and expenditure

Today, Sheila teacher teaches us When make production, what we have to consider about funding. There is two big things : income and Expenditure.

Income is way to gain funds and Expenditure is Money that must be paid during the make products. ( For us, product = web site )

I was surprised Because there are many necessary things for make website.

I redefinition Sheila’s class(About income and expenditure) for my think and position!


Income ( gain money )

 :  How can I get some money? 🙂 I think it have very various and many good ways. If I need to income, I am going to use ‘1’ or ‘4’ in example. I think They are most useful and safety.

  • Being paid to the job : It is very ordinary way I think. Just I have to work in company (= get part of company’s project). But It is important to steady in work time. And If my design skill is good, I can get a lot of money. but if I am not, I will be get a little money.
  • Private funding(=social funding) :This is crowd support. Specific money or date and achieve this. But this way is have to promote many people. And it is often used a poor creative people. Instead They are give some their products.


– Private funding example : UCANFUNDING, If producer upload data a category this site, people                                                                                          support money.

  • Corporate funding : Big company or rich person’s support. It is a contrary concept private funding. Because private funding is support a lot of people but Corporate funding is some person or company support all money. But this way is important to my futurity and popular appeal.
  • Public funding : If I treat public things, I am supported government office. Such as local carnival, public relations or tradition.
  • Selling advertising : Most of web sites or Social network sites are make money this method. It can make consumer be irritated but In producer’s position, it is best way to make money I think.
  • Selling your product : It has to make my product. If I create some graphic that somebody need and upload this websites, people have to pay if they want use this.
  • Profit :  All of obtained through the production process. It means apply the expenditure,be left residual income.


Expenditure (spend money)

: I was so sad because I consider this all thing when I make web site. I think most expense are ‘1’ and ‘2’ and ‘5’. Because During make production, Most important things are people and Equipment.

  • People : I have to pay employment people. hypothesis you make website. than designer, programmer, photographer.
  • Equipment : It means necessary machines or tools during make production process. In my position(designer) I will need such as tablet or computer or printer.
  • License : To give official permission for someone to do or produce something, or for an activity to take place. If I need music or images, check whether this have copyright. If it have copyright, you should pay cost and get license.
  • Studio hire : When I require specially fixed places, it may have to pay cost. Even if that places are park or street.
  • Insurance : While working, there have a lot of risk. So I pay the costs if something bad happens, for example if they become sick or their objects are damaged.
  • Materials
  • Use of music,  photos,  film clips : I think It similar number 3.
  • Production and post : When I make web, I will need programs for examples – After effect, photoshop, illustration.
  • Travel : In this case – If I have to go special places and lots of boxes(baggage).
  • Contingency plans : whether I am sick or get something wrong, I will pay publication studio or others.
  • Marketing : When I want More people know my production employ entertainer or advertisement.
  • Loss : Cause income. It means  minus money.


– personal note


– sites

– book

Websites production Textbooks
publisher : Jo hienje, educontents,  03/03/2013
