Time management

Today, we lean about how to make Time management –  budget sheet and time schedule – .

Time schedule and budget sheet help when we during the project and this is important to every project.

If I’m not care about this, I’m going to have problem.

Because We have many variable in everyday and have a dead line.

For example, if I didn’t make or keep in time management, I can’t do work in order and break deadline.

Actually I always make time schedule and try to keep this.

When I am given the task, I think about my ordinary schedule and make plan each task not stack and complete the task.

Then, When I make website, I have to care of this list to connect time management.


< Before we making product. >


1. Our team’s skill audit : To know each ability and employ other member

2. How many income we have : If we get loss, we are going to hard.

3. Imagin about our product and think about list that what we need.

Most equipments are expensive and hard to handle in after project. so I will rental these things.

ex ) Location to proceed project ,necessary equipment, people ect , the time required


< During make product >


1. Main deadline

2. Interim deadline

3. pre-production deadline : storyboards, mind maps, mood board

4. film production schedule : filming, Editing, contingency day

5. team meetings

6. dates/times to produce pages of website

* Reference

– personal note

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Time management