
Facilities / Location

Facilities is some special place such as school, studio, hotel, company building. or building to specific object or activity or equipment even if systems. It offer to us working easily and use our ability well. According from my experience, If you pay more expensive, can offer better service. Anyway Think about my case.

What I need?

– Hotel : If I hire someone to special thing from other area, I have offer them to live.

– Studio : We need some special place to filming.

– Building : To activity our project

– Computer or laptop : Because we are work relation web, we need it.

– Camera : For website picture or video.

– Car : When group move place to place, it’s going to comfortable.

Location reconnaissance

It is very related safty. It makes project quality up and help schedule clean. If you don’t this, you face some problem. For example, if you were not search the weather, and go filming outside may raining or cloudy.

What for I do?

– Weather : In filming day it is important in video.

– Filming location : Looking for which place is good for filming and check there condition.

– Budget : Making expectation budget.

* Reference

– http://dic.naver.com/

– http://www.ldoceonline.com/

– http://map.naver.com/
