
Today I Choose website font.

It’s all web font.

1. Rokkitt – title


This is google font.

Rokkitt is inspired by the type forms of a number of distinctive geometric slab serifs, sometimes called ‘Egyptians’, of the late nineteenth and early to mid twentieth century.

Rokkitt is designed specifically as a display font for headings and headlines, though it can also be usefull as an alternative to sans serif text fonts

Slab serif font is start when after the United Kingdom start the Industrial Revolution, Designers have to catch attention from public readers.
So They make these type font – No stressful, thick and square serif.

In 1910 the Inland type foundry published Litho Antique, and similar types were published by American Type Founders in the 1920s and Monotype Corporation in the 1930s.


2. Open sans – The body


This is google font.

Open Sans is a humanist sans serif typeface designed by Steve Matteson, Type Director of Ascender Corp. This version contains the complete 897 character set, which includes the standard ISO Latin 1, Latin CE, Greek and Cyrillic character sets. Open Sans was designed with an upright stress, open forms and a neutral, yet friendly appearance. It was optimized for print, web, and mobile interfaces, and has excellent legibility characteristics in its letterforms.



Website Colour

This is point colour in my website.

I choose the two point colours and back ground colour is white (#FFFFFF).

Because my website concept is “Owl of Harry” and harry potter’s owl’s colour is white so I decided background colour is white.

and First point colour is related when harry potter does the magic.

Ordinary, that colour is quite more blue but I want my visitors can feel more bright so I control the colour.

Second one is related UK’s flag.

Harry potter is made in UK and my website is introduce the London’s filming locations so I choose similar blue colour of the flag.


At first, I want to red colour because Red colour can explain about London very well.

But I have to care about colour-blindness.

so I didn’t use red or green colour and between background colour and point colour’s contrast is quite big.

This is colour blindness’s view.

They can distinguish easily!




Website Colour


I think about logo and title.

I choice the three title.

  1. Dear Harry
  2. Dear U
  3. HI London ( Harry in London )

and All my friends are want to using “Dear Harry”.

But later, I realized one problem.

Yena ( One of the mirim students ) and my website name is almost same!

Her website name is “Dear watson”.

So I changed the my website name.

Yena recommend for me.

“How about owl? This animal is carry the letters in Harry potter.”

So result of think, I decide web site name is

“Owl of Harry”

Ordinary, I want to named “Owl of Hogwarts” but when people search about the harry potter, They usually write harry potter or harry so I named my website Owl of harry.




I research about harry potter’s information.

– Characters : Harry potter / Ron weasley / Hermione Granger / Lord Voldemort / Albus Dumbledore / Severus Snape / Rubeus Hagrid / Draco Malfoy

– Universe : Hogwarts / Magic / Magical creatures / Magical objects / Ministry of Magic / Muggle / Places / Quidditch / Spells
– Series : Philosopher’s Stone

– Author : J. K. Rowling
– Country : United Kingdom
– Language : English
– Genre : Fantasy, young-adult fiction, mystery, thriller, bildungsroman, magical realism
– Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) / Arthur A. Levine Books (US)
– Published : 29 June 1997 – 21 July 2007 (initial publication)
– Media type : Print (hardback & paperback) / Audiobook / E-book (as of March 2012) / No. of books 7

– Related works : Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them / Quidditch Through the Ages / The Tales of Beedle the Bard / Prequel / Pottermore
– Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001)

Harry Potter is an orphaned boy brought up by his unfriendly aunt and uncle. At the age of eleven, half-giant Rubeus Hagrid
informs him that he is actually a wizard and that his parents were murdered by an evil wizard named Lord Voldemort. Voldemort
also attempted to kill one-year old Harry on the same night, but his killing curse mysteriously rebounded and reduced him to a
weak and helpless form. Harry became extremely famous in the Wizarding World as a result. Harry begins his first year at
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and learns about magic. During the year, Harry and his friends Ron Weasley and
Hermione Granger become entangled in the mystery of the Philosopher’s Stone which is being kept within the school.

– Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to Hogwarts for their second year, which proves to be more challenging than the last. The
Chamber of Secrets has been opened, leaving students and ghosts petrified by an unleashed monster. Harry must face up to claims
that he is the heir of Salazar Slytherin (founder of the Chamber), learn that he can speak Parseltongue, and also discover the
properties of a mysterious diary only to find himself trapped within the Chamber of Secrets itself.

– Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Harry Potter’s third year sees the boy wizard, along with his friends, attending Hogwarts School once again. Professor R. J.
Lupin joins the staff as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, while convicted murderer Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban
Prison. The Ministry of Magic entrusts the Dementors of Azkaban to guard Hogwarts from Black. Harry learns more about his past
and his connection with the escaped prisoner.

– Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

During Harry’s fourth year, the Dark Mark appears in the sky after a Death Eater attack at the Quidditch World Cup, Hogwarts
plays host to a legendary event: the Triwizard Tournament, there is a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Alastor Moody
and frequent nightmares bother Harry all year. Three European schools participate in the tournament, with three ‘champions’
representing each school in the deadly tasks. The Goblet of Fire chooses Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum and Cedric Diggory to
compete against each other. However, curiously, Harry’s name is also produced from the Goblet thus making him a fourth champion,
which results in a terrifying encounter with a reborn Lord Voldemort.

– Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

Harry’s fifth year begins with him being attacked by Dementors in Little Whinging. Later, he finds out that the Ministry of
Magic is in denial of Lord Voldemort’s return. Harry is also beset by disturbing and realistic nightmares, while Professor
Umbridge, a representative of Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Harry
becomes aware that Voldemort is after a prophecy which reveals: “neither can live while the other survives”. Therefore, the
rebellion involving the students of Hogwarts, secret organisation Order of the Phoenix, the Ministry of Magic, and the Death
Eaters begins.

– Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

In Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters are increasing their terror upon the Wizarding and Muggle
worlds. Headmaster Albus Dumbledore persuades his old friend Horace Slughorn to return to Hogwarts as a professor as there is a
vacancy to fill. There is a more important reason, however, for Slughorn’s return. While in a Potions lesson, Harry takes
possession of a strangely annotated school textbook, inscribed ‘This is the property of the Half-Blood Prince’. As romance and
hormones lurk within the castle’s walls all year, Draco Malfoy struggles to carry out a deed presented to him by Voldemort.
Meanwhile, Dumbledore and Harry secretly work together to discover the method on how to destroy the Dark Lord once and for all.
– Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (2010)

The Potters’ Cottage from the final film.
After unexpected events at the end of the previous year, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are entrusted with a quest to find and destroy
Lord Voldemort’s secret to immortality – the Horcruxes. It is supposed to be their final year at Hogwarts, but the collapse of
the Ministry of Magic and Voldemort’s rise to power prevents them from attending. The trio undergo a long adventure with many
obstacles in their path including Death Eaters, Snatchers, the mysterious Deathly Hallows and Harry’s connection with the Dark
Lord’s mind becoming ever stronger.

– Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011)

After destroying one Horcrux and discovering the significance of the three Deathly Hallows, Harry, Ron and Hermione continue to
seek the other Horcruxes in an attempt to destroy Voldemort, who has now obtained the Elder Wand. The Dark Lord discovers
Harry’s hunt for Horcruxes and launches an attack on Hogwarts School, where the trio return for one last stand against the dark
forces that threaten to rid the Wizarding World of non-magical heritage to achieve pure-blood dominance.




What is feature of wire frame?

  1. Wireframes are an important design tool used in Web development.
  2. Wireframe can easily explain how users will interact with the Web site.
  3. The purpose is usually being informed by a creative idea.
  4. The wireframe depicts the page layout and arrangement of the website’s content and how they work together.
  5. Wireframes are created for the purpose of arranging elements to best accomplish a particular purpose.

Why wire frame is important?

  1. Displays site architecture visually
  2. Allows for clarification of web site features
  3. Pushes usability to the forefront
  4. Identifies ease of updates
  5. Helps make the design process iterative.
  6. Saves time on the entire project
  7. Experience shows it works

What include wire frame?

  1. Key page elements and their location, such as header, footer, navigation, content objects, branding elements.
  2. Grouping of elements, such as side bars, navigation bars, content areas.
  3. Labeling, page title, navigation links, headings to content objects.
  4. Place holders, content text and images.

This is my website wire frames.


Home                                                                                               Introduce

wireframe-02    wireframe-03


Locations                                                                                    Contact us

wireframe-05 wireframe-01

Contact us



expalin about wireframe-01expalin about wireframe-02expalin about wireframe-03expalin about wireframe-04expalin about wireframe-06expalin about wireframe-05

–  Reference :



Before I start creating website, I have to thinking about what I need for rich website.

It makes website more interesting and valuable.

so I  bench marking about another tour sites(because my site is introduce London’s filming locations. it seems like tour).

1. Visit Seoul


: It is for Seoul tourist site. Seoul Metropolitan Government’s official tourism website, provides essential travel information and services. This site can also be accessed on the go with the Visit Seoul Mobile website.

It include about see & do / eat / stay / shop / events / medical tourism / hanllyu.

This site’s medias is…

  1. images
  2. text
  3. weather
  4. map
  5. reservation


Technical feature

  • When you click the left side images, change the right side images and information.


  • Search information.


  • Download about Seoul’s tour (pdf file and e-book)


  • Choice the languages








My target audience is – 

young London visitors (17~25) from another country or another cities.

Why I choose these targets? 

Because I Similar with them.I’m 18 years old and for the first time visit London so I understand well them and young people want to some event more than elder people so I choose them.

What I will produce for them?

My website will introduce about London’s famous locations that filming harry potter.

Even if harry potter’s fan, they don’t visit London only for harry potter. They want to see about hall about London and they want to can enjoy places.

My site will give for visitors London’s famous places that filming harry potter and It will be 9 places.

Maybe when visitors visit hall about location that I introduced, It will be take 2 days but if you want look around slowly, it can take 3 days. I think it’s fit for tourist.


Client needs

choice film

– Client and draft audience : Briton

– Client need : Introduction website that filming locations in Briton or filming locations in London

– Films are filmed in London

  1. About time (2013) : Romance / Comedy
  2. Harry potter series (2001~2011) : Fantasy / Adventure
  3. Notting hill (1999) : Romance / Comedy
  4. Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001) : Romance
  5. If only (2004) : Comedy / Drama

– Selection of a movie : “Harry Potter”

– About Harry potter 


Characters : Harry potter / Ron weasley / Hermione Granger / Lord Voldemort / Albus Dumbledore / Severus Snape / Rubeus Hagrid

Genre : Fantasy / family / adventure / action

Running time : 152 minutes

An age limit : all

Director : chris columbus

Universe : Hogwarts / Magic / Magical creatures / Magical objects / Ministry of Magic / Muggle / Places / Quidditch / Spells

Author : J. K. Rowling

Country : United Kingdom

Language : English

Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) / Arthur A. Levine Books (US)

Published : 29 June 1997 – 21 July 2007 (initial publication)

Media type : Print (hardback & paperback) / Audiobook / E-book (as of March 2012) / No. of books 7

Related works : Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them / Quidditch Through the Ages / The Tales of Beedle the Bard / Prequel

– Why I choice Harry potter?

  1. Popular in Briton and world people
  2. Can enjoy all age group and gender
  3. Have many filming locations in London


 – Brainstorming 


– Choice keywords :

Chase                 –                Connect             –                 Letter

– Why I choice these keyword :

I want to make special memory for visitors.

  1. Chase : When I think  from a position of fan, I want  to follow and connect to film’s characters.
  2. Connect : I want to make special memory for visitors. Connect to film’s characters! It’s very romantic and interesting, isn’t it?
  3. Letter : Letter can connect everyone and everywhere even if you can keep in touch with unknown person.

– How to connect film’s characters?

: Use post box


Visitors can visit harry potter’s filming locations and get some stamp for send letter to  harry potter’s characters.

– Enjoy website step

  1. Visit our website
  2. Visit harry potter’s filming locations
  3. Get some stamp for send to harry potter’s characters
  4. Send letters
  5. If you are lucky, you can reply from your favorite character!


– Reference :

personal note


– Image reference :

Client needs