5 Day

Today is sheila teacher’s last day that meet us.

To be honest, I can’t know 5days such as this fast.

Sad and I think next weekend can meet sheila teacher.

Teacher teach us how to write rest reports and ‘ Garageband’.

Garageband is compose music program.

It is little difficult but I think it will be help my website music.


* reference 

 – personal note 


5 Day

4 Day

4 Day

Today I feeling my English ability going up!! (Actually little slowly) Because Even if very slow but  I acclimatize write in English.

Of course I can’t better than other students but I believe someday will good at English very well.

Actually I was little bit lazy yesterday so I was try to hard today.

I hope never lazy again and grow up myself!

What to write about on blog


4 Day

3 Day

Today was little tired. Because I was go to bad late last night. 😦

But I didn’t sleep in my all class! :). It was satisfy my mind.

During the After Effect class, my computer suddenly going sleep.

However, I took my laptop so I could keep in my class.

In the Sheila teacher’s class, I was so happy!! Because teacher told us very kind and slow so I can understand some sentences.

May other person think ‘She is Just understand some sentences!’ But in case on me, it is very happy things.

Today’s home work was start make budget list and schedule.

I was try to write many things but I can’t.

Because my concept is not yet perfect so I don’t know where I go and what I need.

So After that time I keep in going think about concept and keyword.

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3 Day

2 Day

Today is second day!

first class is Premiere program. We learn about basics and just hello each other(teacher and students).


< video editing program >

– Premier : All, lots of development possibility
– After Effect Final  :  CG
– Final Cut  : Broadcasting
– Avide
– Begass

* Good Codec : high  compress and low loss data.

< Frame >

– 24fps – normal person can see this frame

– 30fps

– 60fps

– 120fps

– 240fps

< Screen size >

– 480p : 720 x 480 – AD

– 720p : 1280 x 720 – HD

– 1280p : 1920 x 1280 – Full HD

– 1440p : 2560 x 1440 – Bluray

Second class is sheila Maloney teacher’s class.

I was very try to hear and understand her contents of a class. ( If I can hear something, I write that everything. )

Actually I think, all of grammar or vocabulary be wrong.


So The blunt fact is ‘ I can’t understanding and I don’t know What can i do this class.’

… I  was very sad but I’ll cheer up 😉

I believe my English level going to up!!



Last class is After effects.

We learn about tracking.

< Tracking >

:  Follow object or person in video.

After effects’s tracking – 2D

– stabilizer : shake video stabilizing

This class’s program is little friendly so I was feel better.


After class I did my home work – write report.

English composition is hard for me but I do my best and going up!

2 Day

1 Day


Today is project’s first day!


We met Sheila Maloney Everett Scott teacher and program teachers in hall follow the schedule.

Actually, I was good to see my friends. 🙂


Sheila teacher and English teacher guide us how to solve this project and What is BTEC.

She told us BETC is kind of certified in UK.


And After introduction we made WordPress ID and read our school senior’s works.

I was so interesting this project and I will visit many places. ( Actually I am not lived in seoul so I don’t know seoul  well.)

Everyone cheer up!

1 Day