
< How much matched the plan? >


Big concept is not change but detailed elements are changed. Big reason is technical limit.

In the beginning, I planning the website that people can share about their trip in website.

But  wix have lot of limit and my major was design, So I can’t arrive that level. ( I can simple programming but it is too difficult to me. )

So It make change web site layout and menu : deleted the hall of fame And I polish menu more concisely.









And I choose the just one color among my plan both of website and video.

1. Web site :

First I  thought ‘Seoul color’s various color make visitors feel interested and can show about Seoul’s mood.

So I choose the all ‘Seoul’s color’.


But later I think, if I use the many different colors, it makes hard for introduce Seoul’s real images. And I think,  just using ‘Seoul color’ signifies nothing.

So I choose the just one color : blue.

Blue is remind travel( Free, Sky ) for people.  And blue enter the two national flag – UK and KOREA.

In KOREA’s national flag’s blue color mean “hope”.  And in Seoul color, blue color means Seoul’s sky.

In UK, national flag’s blue color means their one of land.

So I think it’s meaning are very good matches my website. So pick two blue color – UK’s blue color and Seoul color’s blue color.

UK        SEOUL

00237d(RGB)                                 5b98d1(RGB)


So If I use black color in my website text, Visitors are hard to read. Therefore I choose the white color in my site text.

And UK’s blue color is too strong to use website background so Seoul color’s blue color is going to background color and UK’s blue color is going to point color.


2. Video :

In similar reason  if I use some color, it make attention just color. So visitors can see about real Seoul’s places.

Therefore I choose the white color, because my video have many dark images so white color can see easily and not make attention that.

But I don’t change the plan that using Korea traditional pattern in my video.



And In the planning, I wrote many employ people.

But I did not work about my project with them. Because I don’t have lot of money, so I can’t employ people.


< Good work >


First, I try to reduce menu’s number and put in useful information for foreigners.

And I think about if I were a foreigner, What kind of information I  going to need.

So I make ‘Tip’ page and put in 3 things. first is traffic and second is that country’s culture etiquette and communication language.


Second, People want many information about place where they to go.

So I put in assessment, using star.

And make  ‘ Tip’. It is useful information about place. So visitors can know about place more and more.



Third, I insert about money. Because my target is young student so they have enough money.

Therefore put in how much need each place, select suit one’s individual conditions.

And I care about exchange rate. Because the value of money is differ from country to country.



Most good thing is I thought their position and choose the places.

Since I’m similar age my target, I can think about what things are interesting and what things are not interesting.


< What didn’t go to plan >

I can’t progress as scheduled. Because I was not good at make website tool and some great and small happened.

So I wander about technical part and delay making the website. I think very disappointing in this regard.



< How I might do ti differently if you were to do it again. >


I have time limit so I can’t take a picture various places.

If I make the website one more time, I want put in many place and provide many different experience for my visitors.


And I’m not good at English So I can’t tell about information in detail. So I study English and raise the level and introduce information more detail.


And most of all I want provide special experience for 10~20 ages (my target)!

I think my website lack about only for target. So I want put in special things for example student discount event store.


Honestly I was so good this experience. Because, I was not lived in Seoul so I don’t know Seoul’s various images and places, During the filming I can know that.

I want to visit that places one more time with my friends and parents. ( Because filming is hard so I was do that alone. )

And I can speak my mind in English beside before.

By accident when my relative older brother saw my website, and he said “You write the English well.”, I was so happy.

Of course, it is hard for me making the website using English and there was many lack of things.

So if I making the website one more time, I want have new lack of things.

Solution now lack of things and have new lack of things for making the better quality website.


