= Hyper Text Mark-up Language

 1. What is HTML? – nature of HTML

  • HTML is standard language that make and express web document.
  • HTML is kind of formatting language; SGML(Standard Generalized Mark-up Language).
  • Web document is written by HTML and that file’s name is “.html” or  “.htm”.
  • Through HTML, you can make  various document’s size, font, picture’s position.
  • HTML file is made up tags( kind of command ) and has a rule.
  • HTML has elements and tag and attributes and arguments.

< >

2. Features of HTML

  • It is easy to make website and decorate more beautiful.
  • Web Workers: Certain web applications use heavy scripts to perform functions. Web Workers use separate background threads for processing and it does not effect the performance of a web page.
  • Video: You can embed video without third-party proprietary plug-ins or codec. Video becomes as easy as embedding an image.
  • Canvas: This feature allows a web developer to render graphics on the fly. As with video, there is no need for a plug in.
  • Application caches: Web pages will start storing more and more information locally on the visitor’s computer. It works like cookies, but where cookies are small, the new feature allows for much larger files. Google Gears is an excellent example of this in action.
  • Geolocation: Best known for use on mobile devices, geolocation is coming with HTML5.

3. How to use HTML?

If you have notepad, you can make HTML sources but don’t forget when you save the code, you have to write “.html” in the end of title.

You can use these programs also.

  • Edit Plus
  • sublime text

Here is lean about html video.

– Reference : HTML book and personal note


 = Extensible Hyper Text Language 

What is XHTML? – nature of XHTML

  • XHTML is to make website like HTML but more strict.
  • For example, XHTML has to write capital like this <!DOCUMENT html> but in the html, you can write like this <!document html>.
  • XHTML consist of XML and HTML.
  • XHTML is supported by major browsers like chrome or explore or fire fox.

Features of XHTML

If you make website only using HTML, you may make mistakes in the code because HTML allows little mistake and interpret and it can be shown different each web browsers so make “XML” and XML make documents are marked up correctly.

XTML is made by combining HTML and XML’s strengths.

XHTML encourages a more structured and conceptual way of thinking about content and, combined with the style sheet, a more creative way of displaying it.

rule about xhtml

  • XHTML elements must be properly nested
  • XHTML elements must always be closed
  • XHTML elements must be in lowercase
  • XHTML documents must have one root element
  • Attribute names must be in lower case
  • Attribute values must be quoted

How to use XHTML?

You have to write DOCTYPE and <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE> <BODY> when you use XHTML and you have to follow this rules.

  1. XHTML elements must be properly nested
  2. XHTML elements must always be closed
  3. XHTML elements must be in lowercase
  4. XHTML documents must have one root

– Reference :



personal note
