15. Reference

< Site >

Haeinjung images : http://dan9199.blog.me/

캡처 ◀ agree message.


Mockhyang images : http://blog.naver.com/6ixthsense?Redirect=Log&logNo=140207585690


accept  ◀ agree message.












15. Reference

14. Modify a website


I fix the mobile view. Because many people have smart phone and they use that.

But it is different that website view and mobile view so I have care about both of that.

So relocation information in the other way.

6                                    10

Before                                                                                                                                               After



And I use a larger font for the text for legibility.

May visitor have bad sight, and it is important to show information more easily.






14. Modify a website

9. Making the logo and slogan



Today I designed the website logo and slogan. First, logo.

Because I’m going to make website about flat style, also logo’s style is flat.

So I choose the color basic color blue in my website.

Most outside shape means location indication icon.

Because my website introduce Seoul’s places and help visitors search there, So I choose this shape.

In the center’s key means two things.

One is ‘KEYWORD’ and another is ‘Key’ that connects the United Kingdom  and South Korea’

Ordinary circle means center and harmony.

In this case circle means the center about relationship between South Korea and the United Kingdom.


My website slogan is ‘K – seoul’, also ‘K’ means two things.

Fist meaning is ‘Keyword’ Because website introduce Seoul’s site with keyword.

And Second meaning is ‘Korea’. Today, many people know K – pop. So I think, if i make the similar shape’s slogan,

people are familiar this. So I write this slogan in my website.

And because second meaning is show the shape, so I write down explain only first meaning under the slogan.

9. Making the logo and slogan

8. Website color

Mood board

I think if I just use ‘Seoul color’, It signifies nothing.

So I choice just one color.


So I chose ‘blue’. Blue is remind travel( Free, Sky ) for people.

제목 없음

▲ This is pictures that enter ‘travel’ in google.


And blue is enter two national flag – UK and KOREA.

In KOREA’s national flag’s blue color mean is “hope” and in Seoul color, blue color means Seoul’s sky.

In UK,  national flag’s blue color means their one of land.

I think it’s meanings are very good matches my website.

So among the blue color, pick two blue color.

One is UK’s blue color and another is Seoul color’s blue.

            UK        SEOUL

               00237d(RGB)                                 5b98d1(RGB)


And If I use black color in my website text, Visitors are hard to read.

Therefore I choose the white color in my site text.

And UK’s blue color is too strong to use website background so Seoul color’s blue color is going to background color and UK’s

blue color is going to point color.



8. Website color

7. Workflow

Before I make the website, I have to design workflow.

So, I divide menu 1 homepage and big 4 part menus.

First, I’m going to put in homepage about introduce Seoul video and how to enjoy in Seoul.

It is whole introduce page both of website and Seoul. I think especially video show visual, can appear Seoul’s image.

And because homepage is first page when visitors enter the site, I think interesting elements are going to good effect( for example, make visitors going to interest in website).

Second, one of 4 menus, ‘KEY WORD’ divide 3 sub menu about keyword- SEE,EXPERIENCE, SHOPPING.

Third, in the ‘LIFE’ page, commend the good place for eating and stay.

Fourth, ‘TIP’ menu is going to instruct tips when foreigner visit Korea. For example, transport or etiquette.

Last page ‘ABOUT US’ can contact me and explain the website’s logo.


7. Workflow